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data classifier中文是什么意思

用"data classifier"造句"data classifier"怎么读"data classifier" in a sentence


  • 数据分类机


  • This paper discusses the relevant problems of applying the method of concept - based attribute - oriented to find classification rule , also expounds the implemented data classifier
  • Secondly , we analyse general criteria of data classification , the definition and representation method of conceptual hierarchy , and criteria of evaluating classification scheme . according to the analysis , we briefly provede the architecture of data classifier
  • In the implementation of data classifier , we describe extraction and management of conceptual hierarchy for data , also design an automatic extraction algorithm for numeric data . in this section , we still provide the two algorithms of concept - based attribute - oriented induction and evaluating classification scheme and the visualization of classification rule . finally , the data classifier is tested in databas the results show that it is practical and its performance meet the requirement of designing
用"data classifier"造句  


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